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February 05, 2008

InHouse Affiliates! Build Your Own X10 Shopping Site


X10 InHouse VIP Affiliates! Want to create your own website complete with trackable “Add to Cart” buttons or anchor links that direct to pages throughout the X10 site? Here’s how!

Affiliate Code:
Add this code to your site using this script by placing it in the HEAD tag section of your website. The code identifies your Affiliate ID to the X10 shopping cart or to any page on our X10 network, so you can receive credit for your visitors.

<!—Tracking Code-->
<script language="JavaScript" src="http://affiliates.x10.com/scripts/catalog.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript">
<script language="javascript" src="http://affiliates.x10.com/scripts/x10_exitpop.js"></script>
<script language="javascript">
<!—End Tracking Code-->

The areas in red are the fields that you must replace with your own InHouse Affiliate ID. This script must be placed on your website in order for the other codes in this document to work.

Add To Cart Button:
Place this script on your site wherever you would like to display a clickable Add To Cart button.


The part of the script in red is a catalog number set by X10. Change this number to the correct catalog number your customers should be adding to their shopping cart. If you need the catalog number for specific items, please contact the X10 Affiliates Department to obtain those.

Create A Text Link To Any X10 Page:
Want to direct your guests to a specific URL on the X10 website that you feel they should visit? Add this script which works like an Anchor link but tracks your clicks from your website, ensuring you are paid for your sales:

X10.getTextLinkHref('4-Camera Kit',' http://www.x10.com/');

The first red item is a description of what you are looking to sell. Change this to a brief description of where you are leading your visitors to click. The second red item is any X10 URL or page that you are directing your visitors to. This script will work for any page on X10.com.

Create An Image Link To Any X10 Page:
You can turn any image into a link that goes to any page on the X10.com site. These links are also track-able and will credit you for all sales. Now you can grab images or ads from the X10 newsletter or website and place them onto your site and make them linkable! Here’s how:

X10.getTextLinkHref('<img src="image.gif">’,'http://www.x10.com/');

To create a link using an image or graphic, add the filename of the image along with the extension on the first red field. The second red field represents the URL you would like the link to direct to.