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How Effective Is Your Website?

Do you often wonder about the effectiveness of your site? Here are some questions to think about: Are you getting the most of out it that you should be? Are you reaching your target audience? Does your audience have any interest in your site? After all, what good is having a website if it doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do?

I read a great article by Jerry Bader, entitled How To Analyze Your Website. And rather than paraphrase it, I wanted to provide you the link. In it, Bader talks about 10 important questions to ask yourself when it comes to your website. He focuses on important steps to ensuring your website meets its goals.

Nonetheless, these are very important items he covers, so if you are having a tough time understanding why you’re not generating the sales you think you should have, maybe your site just isn’t as effective as it can be?

Any thoughts or suggestions? Let’s hear ‘em!


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